Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
10 Things You Don’t Know About Dominic Pacifico
July 28, 2011 By: JasonSechrest Category: All Gay Posts, Porn Star News & Gossip
One of the most truly versatile performers in our business, Dominic Pacifico can take any scene with any performer and turn it into an award worthy moment of brilliance. With a big thick cock that loves making turning men into begging bottom bitches just as much as he loves being turned into one himself, Dominic is a gay porn director’s dream and a gay porn fan’s every fantasy rolled into one.
As ambitious and multi-talented as he is sexy, Dominic has become the world’s most famous porn star DJ in the past couple of years, now booked on a weekly basis at nightclubs and parties all over the world where you can catch him spinning his favorite tunes — usually while in various stages of undress throughout the night!
We recently signed Dominic to our own DV8 Casting because we feel he is nothing less than the best kept secret in the gay porn industry.
But those are things you already know about Dominic Pacifico, of course. Here’s 10 things you don’t…
By Dominic Pacifico, DJPornstar.com Exclusive
1. Homosexuality runs in my family. I have two lesbian sisters and a gay grandfather!
2. My DJ name wasn’t always DJ Pornstar. My first DJ name in the late 90’s was The Pest and then I even changed it to Prototype Lover for a time. My career in porn led to the name DJ Pornstar which obviously stuck and is now the only legally trademarked DJ Pornstar on Earth!
3. I’ve been married twice. Once for six years to a beautiful and highly talented Russian model and female dominatrix. I became a widower when she was tragically murdered in Paris and she is credited with giving me the name Dominic Pacifico. The second marriage came during the short window period of legal gay marriage in 2009 when, just days before it became illegal, I married fellow gay porn star Christian Owen in San Francisco. Unfortunately, less than a year later we separated.
4. I don’t just DJ, I write music. I’ve scored dozens of gay porn scenes and I also have written and produced several dance remixes. I’ve dabbled in singing as well.
5. I recently won a Grabby Award. I was honored in Chicago over Memorial Day weekend with Best Threesome alongside Spencer Reed and Alexsander Frietas for the Mustang movie “Adrenaline,” where I got to mix fantasy and reality by playing a DJ!
6. I’m sponsored by Freedom Reigns. I’m often found in just a jock strap or undies when I DJ and you can always rest assured it is from an LA based clothing line called Freedom Reigns.
7. I’m full of pride! I had the amazing opportunity this year to play my music at DC Leather Pride, El Paso Pride, Portland Pride, LA Pride, Seattle Pride and SF Pride …all in one month!
8. I’m an activist. I’m a big supporter of GLAAD, The Trevor Project, St. James Infirmary and many local and national AIDS/HIV Awareness charities.
9. I’m a movie nerd. Specifially anything fantasy or science-fiction. If I have a break from gigs, I’m likely to be watching the entire “Aliens” or “Predator” series back to back.
10. When the music stops, the jock strap comes off. …And the sweats come on. I wear nothing but comfy clothes when I’m not working. Or nothing at all!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
The Sound Of Dominic Pacifico
My first Award Winner
Arabic Night
More DP from Dominic Pacifico
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Ribcage feat. Derek Jameson (DJ Pornstar Extended Club Remix)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
First and foremost I need to do some SERIOUS thank you's to a few people who made this last weekend such a blast and such a success! This past weekend was a success for me on both my DJ Career as well as my Adult Entertainer Career ... yes in case you don't already know ... I do both! I went to Chicago this last Saturday for the Annual Grabby Awards Ceremony where I was nominated for 3 Awards, and as the Susan Luchie of the Porn World, I expected not to win, but this year it FINALLY happened ... I WON A GRABBY! For that I need to thank more than anyone my two peers who won the award (Best 3Way) with me, Spencer Reed and Alexsander Freitas! This meant so much to me, since in the scene I play a DJ, and I also wrote the Soundtrack for the Movie, Adrenaline, which is where you can see the scene (if you want .. lol). :) Though I was a presenter also at the show, I had to leave early to spin at MINIBAR CHICAGO!! This was my Chicago Debut, and it couldn't have been more of a success! What a great night. The place was packed with the hottest guys I have ever seen in one place. I had tons of friends from the Porn World stop by to support me ... tons of people stopping by to thank me ... tons of pictures being taken .. it was AWESOME! This wouldn't have happened without the Owner of MINIBAR .. Mr. John Dalton ... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POPPING MY CHICAGO CHERRY! HAHAHA! :) By the way, if you have never been to MINIBAR .. GO!!!!!! The staff are like giant, beautiful, perfect, Superhero's! The layout is amazing, clean, modern, and very very cool! I hope I get to go back soon!
As if that wasn't enough for one weekend, I then jumped on a plane and flew right to LAS VEGAS for CLOSET SUNDAYS at the REVOLUTION LOUNGE in the MIRAGE! I was blown away on how packed this place was!! This crowd danced from 10pm-430am without stopping! The only true, gay Promoter of Las Vegas, Mr. EDUARDO CORDOVA, was once again the best host anyone can ask for! I truly love this guy ... THANK YOU EDUARDO for treating me like Gold ... I'll never forget it! He has a team of true pro's and it works! You're all AMAZING! I was able to spend an extra day in Vegas where I thought I can relax ... HA .. who was I kidding. EDUARDO had a full day and night planned for me ... A reserved Lounge by the pool at RUMOR for some awesome House Music by the Pool; then off to DIVAS Drag Show .. the longest running show on the strip ... SO FUNNY and COOL; it didn't stop there .. from there Eduardo took me and my friends directly to the front of the HUGE line right to the private table and bottle service (complete with a Magnum of Dom, Kettle One, Belvedere and Ciroc)at the Wynn's XS Nightclub to see Dutch House Master AFROJACK until 6AM! I don't remember when I had SO much fun!!
No time to rest though ... One day at home in West Hollywood, before jumping on a flight to WASHINGTON DC for the LEATHER PRIDE Events all weekend ... and some fun in NYC, filming with Mr Michael Lucas! I am loving this! XOXOXOXO
Monday, March 14, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Deejay and Pornstar Dominic Pacifico Shows His Versatility

By Sheri Elfman
Dominic Pacifico is more than just a pretty face and hot body. The popular Raging Stallion porn star is also a popular deejay in San Francisco. He got his start in both businesses in the late 1990s. In ’98 he met Brian Mills, one of the owners of Titan and began modeling for pictures and doing amateur work. He bumped into him later that year and got involved fully in the adult entertainment business.
Around a year later, he became enamored with electronic music, bought some turntables and learned how to spin from his mentors deejays Joseph Lee, Traser, Enemy and Icon. His deejay name? D.J. Pornstar, of course.
Since those early days, the sexy star developed a following in both the porn and music world.
We spoke with Dominic to find out what to expect from his visit to Fort Lauderdale.
Marks List magazine: How would you describe your style as a deejay?
Dominic pacifico: I play tribal house, as well as, pop, vocal, electro house.
What do you play to get everyone dancing? What works best?
Anything by Lady Gaga will turn a cheek and even if someone doesn’t like it, they will still participate.
Are you single or in a relationship?
I tend to keep my personal life personal but on my Facebook page it says “in a relationship” and with who. I’ve been married twice. I was married to a girl for six years and she passed away and I married a guy after that and recently got a divorce. I don’t think I will ever get married again. Twice was enough.
Who would be your dream costar? Could be anyone.
My dream costar would be Pierre Fitch. I’m on my way to work with him. The reason is that he’s also a deejay pornstar.
So, you don’t feel competitive with other deejay Pornstars?
No, not at all. I’m in the process of buying the trademark “D.J. Pornstar.” I kind of like that the guys are cross marketing themselves.
Do you come to Fort Lauderdale often?
I used to come to Fort Lauderdale all the time. I like the gym, the beach and a little place by Gaymart – it was a Hamburger Mary’s.
Now it’s rosie’s.
Well, I will definitely be there.
So what should your fans expect from your appearance at Johnny's?
I’m not your typical dancer – I like to get dressed up. I will definitely be more theatrical with what I’m wearing. I’m not the kind of person who will stand there in underwear and wait for money. That’s not what I’m about. It will be a good time.
And you will be at Pride Factory meeting your fans.
Yes, I will do comp card signing. If if people want an autograph they can get and I will be selling cds.
Do you like meeting your fans?
I do like meeting my fans. It’s fun. It’s cool to talk to people out there and it sort of keeps me in touch with what’s going on. I’m not a big clubber. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t go out much. When I go out and people recognize me, its flattering and keeps me on my toes.
Hunky Interview:
I often go by first impressions when interviewing someone, at least as far as personality and attitude go, and the first impression I got of Dominic Pacifico can be summed up in one word: machismo. He's one of those guys, you just can't quite read him – know what really goes on in his head – and I think Dominic likes it that way. He's a pretty private person with a very public career – two, actually, with a third (bar owner) on the way – and I was very happy when the friendly, charming porn star/DJ/business owner took the time from his busy schedule to speak about his work, his life, and his sexual appetites.
Born in New Mexico, Dominic's childhood in the desolate southwest didn't leave much room for experimentation for a boy of eleven who already knew he was attracted to other boys. His first sexual experience, at the age of 13, involved a sleepover at a friend's house that started out as a group of friends hanging out … and ended up with just Pacifico and his friend, the kid throwing the party, in bed together. The two remain best friends to this day, some fifteen years later.
Showing some of the independent spirit Pacifico retains to this day, Dominic worked to get himself legally emancipated and living on his own by the age of 16 … in Florida no less, where a good-looking teenaged boy can find plenty of things – and men – to keep himself busy. Shortly thereafter, Dominic moved to San Francisco, where he resides to this day – a move that would change the direction of his life forever.
He was eighteen when he met Brian Mills – now a major player behind the porn industry giant known as Titan Media – who approached Dominic about doing some photo work for a website. This was Pacifico's intro to getting naked on-camera, and the shoots went really well – but it would be another eight years before Pacifico ran into Mills again. By now, Mills was one of the owners of Titan, a big shot in the business who remembered the young Dominic and put him into a couple of films doing solo scenes. This Pacifico credits, to this day, with giving him ability to get comfortable being sexual on-camera – giving him the foundation to go hardcore in films soon after.
Now officially a porn star (he even lauds it with his DJ career, donning himself with the name "DJ Pornstar"), Dominic admits to still being "definitely sexual off-camera – but when I'm working, it IS work. I'm very professional and serious on-set; very focused. I'm regularly tested, and when paired off with a partner I like to know he has the same status."
When asked what role he likes to take on sexually, when on-screen, Dominic stresses that being dominant is what he likes best (and you can tell – even in his volcanic scene in Greased, in which he bottoms, Pacifico doesn't go quietly; he's a real sexual powderkeg on camera, seemingly always ready to go off … and a real pleasure to watch). He does, however, lament the current status of a lot of films in the business right now. "I want to do something a little more … theatrical," he admits openly. "More progressive. There are just so many military scenes ... leather scenes … bedroom scenes, etc., that you can do, before it gets redundant. I want to work with someone more creative. Do something different, outside the norm."
But not too far outside. When asked if there is anything he's refused to do in a film, without hesitation Pacifico confides, "Yes. (Name of company) asked me to fist an HIV-positive guy who was in his forties for a scene; wanted someone who could get his arm up the guy all the way to the elbow – and I just wasn't up for that. It wasn't a good match physically, plus the guy was positive – and they were just looking for anyone to do it. I don't put down anyone into that, but it's an extreme fetish that I'm just not into. The company's never approached me about working for them again, either. I regretted my decision at first, needing the work, but then other things started coming along."
And speaking of being a good match … for this sultry, sexy porn model, you'd really better have your stuff together if you want to get his attention. "Masculine, well-toned men are definitely a preference," Dominic admits. "I'm not into sloppy, thrown together guys. A good personality – a good persona – is important, too." And while Dominic adds that he can be a romantic at heart – admitting his belief in love and relationships over just casual sex – Mr. DJ Pornstar remains mum on the status of his own love life, saying "I just find that some things in my life, I prefer to keep private." Assuming this means there's a man in his life, one can only sigh with envy at the boyfriend's good fortune.
Getting back to sex, Pacifico admits his favorite position is "Reverse cowboy – because it's fun, playful, and hits the g-spot really good." When asked who his favorite on-screen sex partner has been so far, it only takes a few seconds' thought before Dominic comes up with "Vance Winters. He's definitely a good performer with a positive, upbeat attitude. Very quick, fast-moving, too – a real professional. I liked that."
Pacifico has a bit more trouble thinking of the ideal partner he has yet to work with – but would love to – when suddenly he comes up with new Raging Stallion exclusive RJ Danvers as the man he'd most like to bed on-screen right now. "He's just a great guy," Dominic says enthusiastically. And while, on a personal note, Pacifico states he's "pretty vanilla, but with a wild streak once in awhile" in between the sheets at home, the porn model admits he's definitely an exhibitionist … but can think of nothing else, by way of kink or fetishes, that he's really into – sexual a human being as he can be. Pretty vanilla talk, indeed, for a man who can burn up the screen sexually like few others of his caliber can – though Dominic admits that "while I've pretty much stayed the same guy sexually … watching porn, now, doesn't do what it used to for me. I see the work in it now."
He freely admits loving his fans, saying they're the best. "It's a clear acknowledgment, when fans hit me up on MySpace, and I have fans who regularly come out to the clubs to see me as DJ Pornstar. I did have one guy who was always showing up – trying to grab me, touch me, pull on me, and he even asked me to marry him. That was weird, but overall my fans are great to me."
On a personal level, Dominic stresses that his friends and family – all of whom know about his porn career – remain his main motivation today, in particular crediting his mother as "a huge inspiration for my work ethic – she's the hardest-working woman I know." DJ-turned-porn star-turned-mainstream actor Niki Belucci was the inspiration behind Pacifico's decision to become a DJ – a career he hopes to continue with in the foreseeable future; a future Dominic is building for himself, one brick at a time.
"What most people don't know about me is that I'm clean and sober; I don't drink, don't do drugs, and don't smoke. I'm also a business owner – I'm opening up a wine bar – as well as a DJ and producer, along with being a porn model. I'd also like to get into radio someday. But for now I've invested the money I've made, looking to my future – and in five years' time, ideally I hope to find myself at the end of my porn career and moving into the next phase of my life – which, hopefully, includes a house, a dog, and a husband."
A strong man through and through, with a good head on his shoulders – especially for someone working in an industry that often chews up and spits out its young models left and right. So it seems fitting to end the interview with Pacifico's own insights on the industry – his advice for any young buck considering a possible career in porn today:
"Do some research, decide what kind of work you want to do – and then set a standard for yourself, " he says. "Don't let yourself get talked into anything – do only what you want to do. When I turned down that fisting job, I really regretted it at the time, thinking I might never work again – but at it happened, turning it down opened a lot of doors for me. You can make money in this industry, if you're young and good-looking – so let something go if it's not right for you, because something else will come along."
A man of principles, advocating the same for those coming up behind him. A true professional, serious to the core about his life and work, and determined to make both a success. That's Dominic Pacifico.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Promotes The Boys In The City Calendar Pt. 2

What doesn't Dominic like in bed? He really doesn't like it when people stick their tongue in his ear or eye or anything else that's not really mouth, cock or ass and hey, who can blame him?! I never really understood that whole ear and eyeball licking either!
Dominic shows us his Calvins and his absolutely delicious butt. He consideres himself pretty romantic and vanilla in his personal life and likes kissing and intimacy.
If he had to choose right now, he would be a bottom. The dirtiest place he's ever had sex? How many people has he had sex with at any given time? You'll have to watch and find out!...all I will say is that he was virsatile.
Cocktails with the Stars

Cocktails with the Stars
Dominic has made a name for himself not only as Dominic Pacifico the hot latin Porn Star, but also as DJ Porn Star. His DJ career has taken off and he embraces both.
He played a DJ in the Falcon Movie Adrenaline with Cocktails With The Stars Poster Stud Alexsander Freitas, which was Alexsander's first movie. Spencer Reid was also in the movie and Scotty and Dominic discuss which version of Spencer they prefer, original Spencer, or new and significantly bulked up Spencer. They talk about his on again off again relationship with Philip Aubrey.
Dominic tells us that he is very taken and very much in love. His boyfriend isn't a Porn Star which was a conscious decision for him and has worked out well so far. Dominic has been signing some contracts for his music lately and he talks about that as well as his movement away from video and into online. He feels that it's a time for Porn Stars with talent to branch out and show the world what they have and the audience agrees, even though he admits to getting some flak for being "DJ Porn Star", but the jobs that do want him well outweigh the ones that don't. Chosing to be himself has provided the biggest payoff personally and privately, and bravo to that Dominic.